What to Eat Post-Workout?
- eggs- fast absorbing protein and carbs
- quinoa- carbs, high in vitamins and nutrients, protein
- bananas- fast acting carbs, restores bodys level of glycogen, helps rebuild muscles, high in potassium
- low-fat chocolate milk
- salmon- high protein, anti-inflammatory omega-3's, rebuilds muscle and increases performance
- blueberries- antioxidant, triples recovery rate after workout
- whole grain pita and hummus- protein and carbs, pita has slow release carbs that keeps energy up
- dried fruit and nuts- high in protein and carbs, helpful for building muscle
- pineapple- natural anti-inflammatory, helps heal bruises, sprains, swelling, high in vitamin C
- sweet potatoes- carbs, vitamins B6, C, D, magnesium, potassium
- kiwi- high in vitamin C and potassium, antioxidants, combats muscle soreness
- water- hydrate hydrate hydrate!
*** I am by no means a certified nutritionist, this is information I got from various books and websites. My go to after a workout is a protein shake with chocolate whey protein and a mix of a bunch of ingredients listed above. Go to my smoothies page for more recipes!